Friday, January 29, 2010

La Guardia (Night shift) # 1

I’ve delivered four babes here now and am technically getting accustomed to hanging the baby upside down after delivering, but don’t think I will emotionally acclimate. Though baby hanging is seemingly set in stone at this point, other practices might not be so firm. I was thrilled last night that I almost convinced the team to help mama get into hands and knees for an occiput posterior baby. They were really thinking about it!!!! I thought we were about to do it, and then the mama pushed so hard and out came her sunny side up, facing directly up, BIG for Peru, baby.

My second baby catch was beautiful and everyone applauded me for doing it their way.  The mother of that mama came back to the unit during the afternoon of the next day and gave me a huge bag of fruit. Wow did that feel so nice. See photo of mama and her 2kg baby! I shared the bag of fruit with everyone. Here, everyone shares everything. It’s beautiful.

On another note, I can officially say that I have slept with an intern now. I’m not sure that was a goal exactly, in fact, I’m sure it wasn’t !!! but…  See pictures of my best friend on the L and D unit who helps me with millions of things. We haven’t been super busy on the unit, so we found a bed to lay down in. Everyone sleeps together in the few beds on the unit when it’s slow. I actually slept for a minute despite the two of us beinig squished into a tiny single bed! Also see photo of one of the Midwives who is so kind to me. They wear purple scrubs.

Though I don’t have fleas, thank the lordee, I did discover ants all over my bed. Ick! They are tiny and all over the place here. I am desperately trying to be ok with sharing my bed with them and making them my friends, but am having a hard time. (see photo of my bed and my bathroom that I have made all my own).  I have never been a bug killer, but have had to make some tough choices here... Look what I’m becoming! Killing bugs and hanging babes upside down...  

I still feel short of breath when I think of home. I have realized that these are mini panic attacks that I experience anytime I’m alone and without distractions. They are REALLY hard. Sleep deprivation isn’t helping and I had my second major breakdown.

Came into the city to call family and friends in the US. Call and Cry I call it. Like Shake and Bake, only different. Hee heeeeeee.

Came up with a plan and am busy implementing it today. Decided that one thing I need is to not work 18 hour shifts twice a week. That’s hard in the US where I have a support network and get great sleep during the day, let alone when I’m trying to learn a new language, culture, make friends, live in a room where the water comes out brown, sleep with ants,… All that stuff. I had a friend come check out my ants and she said it’s totally normal here. Vivimos en la tierra, Elizabeth! We live in the earth!

As I went to talk to the director of Midwifery today to tell him my plight, the one and only psychologist at the hospital called my name, and called my name again and again, until I realized he was calling to me! How apropos!!!! He must be goooooood at his job. I confided in him and he was so supportive and lovely. He opened his door to me and said that anything I told him would be in confidence. What a good psychologist/therapist man. This gave me more courage to talk to the director, who also completely understood and informed me that they want to support me in whatever way they can. Of course, I could possibly be making up stories in translation again J. Either way, I like the way it all turned out and I will work less hours during the week now.

Really want to find some Spanish classes to take, but haven’t had any luck. Found some salsa classes and hope to start tonight. I need to dance!!!!!

Encountered my first english speaking looking person on the streets of Pucallpa after crying in a telephone booth during my Call and Cry session yesterday. I couldn’t help but approach him for some English conversation. He is from Australia and we talked for an hour before meeting up with his two friends from Spain. We ate a refreshing dinner together. They left for Spain today. Hope to have a few more encounters with English speakers soon!

I think about how great it would be to just come home ALL the time and every single day, over and over again, question whether I have the strength to do this.

We’ll see!!!!!

Love to you all,


PS, couldn’t help myself - took my dirty clothes to a lavandaria today. Thank GOD!


  1. I love reading your stories Beth. Hanging the babies upside down :( Before you know it, you'll have women in all kinds of new positions! You're a strong woman with so much to give and receive. You'll get through this :) I'm glad they are able to be flexible with your requests (as they should)! Keep the stories coming. How long are you down there?

  2. Hi Miss Beth, aka Mother T. I want to remind you of your nickname in our household in case you've forgotten that it's "Mother Theresa". I can't imagine how much the moms and babes and midwives and docs appreciate your being there. No doubt they are learning from you and you from them. What a beautiful time in your life to experience all of this.

    Earlier today I was telling some Japanese friends about your labor of love (seriously there is no pun intended ;-)) in Peru right now. Our friend, Satoru, told me it reminded him of when he first arrived in Rochester, NY from Japan. He was alone and was starting graduate school for a year. He said he cried every night at first - missing home, learning the language, trying to make friends. He said his home sickness got much better eventually and he was very sad to leave at the end.

    Sounds like the answer is that we all need to come visit sooner rather than later, yes? Maybe starting to plan for some visits, from Erica and Jill particularly, will give you something to look forward to.

    Good save on the slippery little one Miss Beth!! And, thanks for sharing your wonderful stories and photographs. It is so much more than inspiration. You are a very bright light on this planet. Love and warm fuzzies to you tonight! Barb

  3. Thanks for the love barb and jen! OHHHHHHH it helps so much to read your supportive thoughts. As I said in another comment, I LIVE FOR THEM! :) Love you! Barb, YES! You and Jnet need to come anytime!!! Let's set some dates.

    Jen, I'm here for 6 months. You should come visit too! :) Thanks for reading!!!!

  4. I'm going to Brazil in Aug to see my sister! Hard enough to get that time off :( I wish I could come visit you! Darn jobs and rent! Miss you!
