Sunday, April 4, 2010

3.6.10 – Rockin’ Women

Spent the last week of my work in Pucallpa training with INMED.  INMED Pucallpa consists of 4 women (all from Peru) who run the show.  They implement and often also develop training sessions for both patients and community volunteers throughout Pucallpa and Yarincocha.  The group sessions focus on keeping mothers and babies safe, family planning, utilizing local health posts, risks during pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding, etc. These 4 INMED women travel all over town by motocar carrying their materials, laptops, and yummy treats for the community volunteer sessions.  When you think of Pucallpa, you can’t think of a city like we have in the United States.  You have to think wilder, smaller, WILDER, dirt roadier, and WILDER!  This frontier city is a really large version of a motocross track or bumper cars gone WILD and the drivers fit the picture.  It’s a live video game!  I mention this to exemplify how super cool INMED women are as they bump and grind via motocar to their dusty destinations to get the empowering woman word out.  Rock stars they are.


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